Expat Wiki for Newcomers in Germany

German bureaucracy can be tough. But do not despair. We want to make your life a little easier. This is why we have created a knowledge database for you. Our Expat Wiki. Here you can find information about living in Germany. We have different categories like registration, family, tax, social security and so on. Just select the category that you are interested in. Or, just browse through the most recent blog article. You find hands-on tips and practical advice on settling in Germany. Enjoy the read!

Studying in Germany

Living and studying in Germany 

What's so great about studying in Germany? An outstanding range…
health insurance Germany

5 Things you need to know about health insurance if you want to work in Germany

Have you just arrived in Germany to take up work and plan to…
social benefits germany

Social benefit: These state aids exist

A social benefit is a social assistance that can be granted…
See doctor in Germany

7 Facts | How to see a Doctor in Germany

First of all: I hope you read this article out of curiosity.…
Medizinischer Notfall - Was tun?

Medical Emergency, what to do if you are in Germany!?

O let me put down my personal experiences in this blog article.…
international health insurance germany

International Private Health Insurance

International Private Medical Insurance in Germany - IPMI Are…
private health insurance in Germany

German Private health insurance – what you should know

It is compulsory for everyone living in Germany to have health…
health insurance proof

The statutory health insurance in Germany at a glance

55 minutes read. Get yourself a cup of coffee! ☕ Basic…

Legal expenses insurance in Germany – superfluous or valuable?

Legal disputes quickly cost a lot of money. Therefore, legal…
Private liability insurance Germany

Private liability insurance Germany: An absolute must for everyone!

Essential facts in brief: Private liability insurance in Germany According…